What Is Anxiety Disorders?

17/11/2024 admin

1. What is anxiety disorder?

Pathological anxiety is the excessive or persistent worry that is out of proportion to the perceived threat, interferes with the person’s functioning, and may be accompanied by thoughts or actions that appear excessive or unreasonable.

Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental disorders in our country with an incidence of 5-6% of the population.

2. What causes anxiety disorders?

There are 3 causes of anxiety disorders including:

– The role of stress: stress is the cause of the disease, stress can be obvious but is often just a mild but long-term psychosocial trauma. Experiencing stress and mental trauma from the past is also a risk factor.

– The role of personality: generalized anxiety disorder is more common in people with personality traits: worry a lot, be meticulous, careful… or people with weak personalities.

– The role of the environment and the body: a healthy body and a positive environment will support the personality to cope with stress and vice versa.

3. What are the signs that you are suffering from an anxiety disorder?

– Anxiety is a phenomenon of human reaction to difficulties and threats of nature and society that humans must find ways to overcome and survive. Anxiety is an alarm signal, warning of an impending danger, allowing humans to use all measures to cope with that threat.

– Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by persistent, diffuse, and diffuse worries that are not localized to any particular event or circumstance in the immediate environment or are related to past events that are no longer relevant.

– This disorder is often associated with chronic stress, has a variable progression but tends to be chronic.

Source: Compiled
